NIESG: Nagoya International Economics Study Group

Nagoya International Economics Study Group: Since 2004



2009年2月24日(土)13:00-18:00 中京大学

報告者: 近藤 健児 氏(中京大学)
題目: "Pollution Abatement Equipment and International Migration"

報告者: 風神 佐和子 氏(中京大学)
題目: 「なぜワーキングプアと人手不足が併存するのか」

報告者: 柳瀬 明彦 氏(東北大学)
題目: "A Dynamic Analysis of Public Intermediate Goods Supply in a Small Open Economy: Note on McMillan"

報告者: 國崎 稔 氏(愛知大学)
題目: "Welfare Effects of Privatisation under an International Mixed Oligopoly with Different Tax Principles"


2009年6月20日(土)-21日(日) 東北大学

【午前の部】 座長 倉田 洋 氏(東北学院大学)
報告者: 松原 聖 氏(日本大学)
題目: "FDI Spillovers with Product Differentiation"

【午後の部1】 座長 近藤 健児 氏(中京大学)
報告者: 古川 雄一 氏(中京大学)
題目: "Intellectual Property Rights and Endogenous Appropriability in a North-South Model"

報告者: 市田 敏啓 氏(早稲田大学)
題目: "Special Human Capital Investments in Weaker Skills Uncertain Terms of Trade"

【午後の部2】 座長 須賀 宣仁 氏(北海道大学)
報告者: 川端 康 氏(三重大学)
題目: "Vertical Trade and Free Trade Agreements"

報告者: 唐澤 幸雄 氏(南山大学)
題目: "Strategic Privatization Policy and Foreign Ownership in the Third Market Model"

【午前の部】 座長 野村 良一 氏(東海大学)
報告者: 藤井 孝宗 氏(高崎経済大学
題目: "Trade Liberalisation and Trade Facilitation in International Air Transportation Services: Does Deregulation Really Cause the "Open Sky"?"

報告者: 寶多 康弘 氏(南山大学)
題目: "Transboundary Renewable Resource and International Trade"


2009年9月19日(土)15:00-18:00 中京大学

報告者: 須賀 宣仁 氏(北海道大学)
題目: A Chamberlinian Agglomeration Model with External Economies of Scale

報告者: 増田 淳矢 氏(中京大学)
題目: Estimation for Volatility Effects of Foreign Exchange Intervention


Joint with theInternational Workshop "Issues in Public and International Economics", at University of Catania (6-7 Nov. 2009)
2009年11月6-7日 (Dept. of Economics & Quantitative Methods, University of Catania, Italy)

Friday, 6 Nov.
Welcome address by the director of the department (Dept. of Economics and Quantitative Methods, University of Catania)

Session 1 (chair: Ilde RIZZO: University of Catania)

  • 1. Masashi NISHIKAWA (Aoyama-Gakuin University)
    • "Asymmetric Influence of Migration on Tiebout Sorting"
    • discussant: Massimo Finocchiaro CASTRO (University of Regio Calabria)
  • 2. Paolo LI DONNI (University of Palermo & University of York),Vitorocco PERAGINE (University of Bari), and Giuseppe PIGNATARO (University of Bologna)
    • "Behind the Atkinson Index: Measuring Equality of Opportunity in Health"
    • discussant: Laixun ZHAO (Kobe University)
  • 3. Akihiko YANASE (Tohoku University) and Makoto TAWADA (Nagoya University)
    • "International Trade with a Public Intermediate Good: A Dynamic Analysis"
    • discussant: Tiziana CUCCIA (University of Catania)

Saturday, 7 Nov.
Session 2 (chair: Minoru KUNIZAKI; Aichi University)

  • 1. Giuseppe RIZZO (University of Catania)
    • "Fertility and Pension System"
    • discussant: Makoto TAWADA (Nagoya University)
  • 2. Weijia DONG (Nagoya University), Takeshi OGAWA (Nagoya University), and Yasuhiro TAKARADA (Nanzan University)
    • "Sharing Renewable Resource: Tragedy of the Commons and Gains from Trade"
    • discussant: Marina CAVALIERI (University of Catania)
  • 3. Maria CAVALIELI (University of Catania) and Anna MIGNOSA (University of Catania)
    • "The Role of Indirect Support for Culture in Italy"
    • discussant: Takamune FUJII (Takasaki City University of Economics)

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

Session 3 (chair: Giacomo PIGNATARO; University of Catania)

  • 1. Marco Ferdinando MARTORANA (University of Catania)
    • "Satisfaction, Adaptation and Voter Behavior: an Empirical Explanation"
    • discussant: Minoru KUNIZAKI (Aichi Unviversity)
  • 2. Jean Marie VIAENE (Erasmus University) and Laixun ZHAO (Kobe University)
    • "Tainted Food, Low-Quality Products and Trade"
    • discussant: Domenico D'AMICO (University of Reggio Calabria)
  • 3. Gianluca CAFISO (University of Catania)
    • "Sectoral Border Effects in the European Single Market: an Explanation through Industrial Concentration"
    • discussant: Tuyoshi SHINOZAKI (Tohoku-Gakuin University)

13:30-15:00 Lunch

Session 4 (chair: Laixun ZHAO; Kobe University)

  • 1. Domenico LISI (University of Catania)
    • "The Impact of Temporary Employment on Labour Productivity: Evidence from an Industry-level Panel of EU Countries"
    • discussant: Masashi NISHIKAWA (Aoyama-Gakuin University)
  • 2. Tsuyoshi SHINOZAKI (Tohoku-Gakuin University) and Minoru KUNIZAKI (Aichi University)
    • "Efficiency and the Optimal Direction of Federal-State Transfers Revisited: Multitiered-Government's Case"
    • discussant: Isidoro MAZZA (University of Catania)
  • 3. Francesco REITO (University of Catania) and S. Spagano (University of Pavia)
    • "The Economics of Rotating Savings and Collateral Associations"
    • discussant: Yasuhiro TAKARADA (Nanzan University)


2009年12月26日(土)13:30-18:00 名古屋学院大学

報告者: 花園 誠 氏(名古屋大学)
題目: Option Package Bundling (joint with Takanori Adachi and Takeshi Ebina)

報告者: 小橋 文子 氏 (慶應義塾大学)
題目: A Two-dimensional Analysis of the Impact of Outward FDI on Performance at Home: Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Firms (joint with Kazunobu HAYAKAWA, Toshiyuki MATSUURA, and Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI)

報告者: 佐橋 義直 氏(大阪府立大学)
題目: サーチ経済における複数通貨の共存

報告者: 大坂 仁 氏 (九州大学)
題目: Preliminary Empirical Analysis on the Sources of Economic Growth and Income Inequality in China since the Economic Reform