2007年12月22日(土)14:00-18:30 中京大学
報告者: 近藤 健児 氏(中京大学)
題目: "Trans-Boundary Pollution"
報告者: 須賀 宣仁 氏(北海道大学)
題目: "Internationalization and Trade in Producer Services"
報告者: 藤井 孝宗 氏(愛知大学)
題目: "Internalization Revisited: In Case of Japanese Multinationals"
報告者: 國崎 稔 氏(愛知大学)
題目: "Is Emission Standard Superior to Emission Tax?"
2008年3月15日(土)13:00-18:30 中京大学
<第1部> 座長 藪内 繁己 氏(名古屋市立大学)
報告者: 川端 康 氏(三重大学)
題目: "Free Trade Agreement in Vertical Industrial Structure"
討論者: 唐澤 幸雄 氏(南山大学)
報告者: 杉山 泰之 氏(大阪大学)
題目: "Foreign Investment Quotas and the Differentiation of Emission Taxes in LDCs"
討論者: 柳瀬 明彦 氏(高崎経済大学)
<第2部> 座長 野村 良一 氏(立命館大学)
報告者: 岩佐 和道 氏(神戸大学)
題目: "Software Provision and the Impact of Market Integration: A Note"
討論者: 寶多 康弘 氏(南山大学)
第4報告 座長 近藤 健児 氏(中京大学)
報告者: 倉田 洋 氏(立命館大学)
題目: "Market Size, Inefficiency of Firm Location, and Effects of Migration (with Takao Ohkawa and Makoto Okamura)"
討論者: 平岩 恵理子 氏(星城大学)
第5報告 座長 伊澤 俊泰 氏(名古屋学院大学)
報告者: 大川 隆夫 氏(立命館大学)
題目: "Optimal Tariff Policy with Endogenous Location Choice (with Makoto Okamura and Masayuki Okawa)"
討論者: 柳原 光芳 氏(名古屋大学)
2008年6月21日(土)14:00-17:50 中京大学
報告者: 篠崎 剛 氏(名古屋大学)
題目: "The closed-loop effects of trade liberalization in a renewable resource oligopoly"
報告者: 近藤 健児氏(中京大学)
題目: "International Factor Mobility, Efficiency Wage Rate and Imperfect Competition"
報告者: 野村 良一 氏(立命館大学)
題目: "Does a Bilateral FTA become a Building Bloc for Free Trade?"
Joint with the International Workshop on "Interregional Transaction and Policy Reaction", at University of Catania, Italy
2008年9月4-5日 (Dept. of Economics & Quantitative Methods, University of Catania, Italy)
Day 1 (September 4)
17:00-17:30 Welcome Address & Introduction
17:30-19:00 Session 1
Chair: Emilio Giardina (University of Catania)
1. Kojun Hamada (Niigata University) and Yasuhiro Takarada (Nanzan University)
"Horizontal Merger, Profitability and Competition Policy"
Discussant: Massimo Finocchiaro Castro (University of Reggio Calabria)
2. Alessandro Scopelliti (University of Catania)
"The Political Decision-Making Process in the Council of the European Union under the New Definition of a Qualified Majority"
Discussant: Kosuke Oshima (University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences)
Day 2 (September 5)
9:30-11:00 Session 2
Chair: Kenji Kondoh (Chukyo University)
1. Calogero Guccio, Giacomo Pignataro and Ilde Rizzo (University of Catania)
"The Performance of Local Government in the Exection of Public Works"
Discussant: Kota Sugahara (Kyoto Sangyo University)
2. Kazuyuki Nakamura (University of Toyama)
"The Non-Cooperative Provision of International Public Inputs and Distribution of Factor Endowments"
Discussant: Isidoro Mazza (University of Catania)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Session 3
Chair: Ilde Rizzo (University of Catania)
1. Kosuke Oshima (University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences)
"A Model of Preferential Tax Regimes"
Discussant: Domenico D'Amico (University of Reggio Calabria)
2. Emilio Giardina, Calogero Guccio and Isidoro Mazza (University of Catania)
"Federalism, Party Competition and Budget Outcome: Empirical Findings on Regional Health Expenditure in Italy"
Discussant: Minoru Kunizaki (Aichi University)
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Session 4
Chair: Kazuyuki Nakamura (University of Toyama)
1. Mario Pezzino (University of Catania) and Stefan Lutz (University of Manchester)
"International Coordination of Quality Standards and Vertical Product Differentiation"
Discussant: Kazuyuki Nakamura (University of Toyama)
2. Kiyoshi Matsubara (Nihon University)
"FDI Spillovers with Product Differentiation"
Discussant: Mario Pezzino (University of Catania)
2008年12月23日(土)14:00-18:00 愛知大学
報告者: 進藤 優子 氏(名古屋大学)
題目: 「FDI、教育補助政策と人的資本蓄積:中国の2省における世代重複モデルによるマクロ経済シミュレーション」
報告者: 蔡 大鵬 氏(名古屋大学)
題目: "Subsidization and Bargaining in Mixed Markets"
報告者: 古川 雄一 氏(中京大学)
題目: "Intellectual Property Rights and Technological Openness"